HeartSight: Seven Practices #2 Self-Control

HeartSight: Seven Practices #2 Self-Control

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HeartSight: Seven Practices #2                           5-31-20

Bottom Line: We can’t be transformed disciples without developing self-control.


 A. The story of Jesus healing the boy the disciples could not heal. Mt.17:14-21 (Right after the Transfiguration experience)

   1. Principle of healing means representing Jesus and God

   2. Practice – unable due to being short on faith! Read vs.20 MSG “Because you are not taking God seriously, said Jesus. The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell tis mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.”

 B. The principle is the information. Practice is putting it to work!

   1. Principle of dancing! But my practice looks like MMA!

   2. Principle of hunting deer w/ bow and arrow – took 5 years

 C. Donna & other ladies made masks – Donna illustrates how

   1. Parts = principle of sewing together = mask

   2. Means nothing if it is not used!

 D. Paul said we must “put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Vs.24

   1. MSG, “a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.”

   2. Conduct = practice – applying principles to how we live

 E. In vs.25-32, Seven Practices of a Transformed Life

   1. vs.25 Authentic – be honest and truthful

   2. vs.26-27 READ: The practice of self-control – keep your emotions under control – What is self-control?

          *Short video from Deborah defining self-control

   3. Anger is one way we lose control – a reason why we need self-control. Why do we need the practice of self-control?

1. Anger is a normal emotion. (“In your anger…”)

 A. It is God-given and universal! Nothing bad or sinful about it.

   *God get’s angry!  Jesus got angry too! It’s human and it’s God!

 B. Anger is a strong negative response to things that displease us!

 C. Anger nearly always comes from a sense of loss of some kind.

   1. Disappointment, disagreement, hurt, attack, violate values

   2. Anger is a protective response. Fight part of fight or flight instinct

2. Anger can lead to sin! (It doesn’t have to, but it can!)

 A. Why there is a need for self-control! Control it or it will control you!

 B. To lose you temper = temperament; to be mad = loss of control!

 C. It can lead to positive change or negative & hurtful actions

   1. Prov.29:11, “A fool gives full vent to his anger”

   2. James 1:19, “Be slow to speak and slow to become angry”

   3. 1 Cor.13:5, Love “is not easily angered, it keeps no record”

 D. Let go of it as soon as you can! Before sunset!

3. Uncontrolled anger gives the devil control! (foothold)

 A. Lack of self-control is devil control! Or will be!

   1. Anger twists your thinking about yourself and others

   2. Anger kicks God out of your life!

 B. Anger rarely leads to godliness! Holy anger!

   1. Jesus’ anger – he had the right to be angry

   2. Anger doesn’t help us be like God in true righteousness & holiness

 C. Satan can turn anger into a spiritual cancer! Destroys and kills!

   1. People & events that happened long ago – burning anger

   2. Negative, pessimistic, hateful, cynical, conspiracy theories


A. Nathan’s story angered David! You are the man!

B. It is not others! Loss of self-control is personal and complete

          * It must be a practice and not just a principle

C. Essential to a transformed life that only comes through Jesus!


Bible Study from: Seven Practices of a Transformed Life (2)

Sunday, May 31, 2020

1.  What is an example of something where you know and understand the principle but are not so good with the practice?

2.  What is your definition of self-control?

3.  If the subject is anger, why is the practice about self-control?

4.  Is anger a sin? Why or why not?

5.  Why do we get angry? Is it normal? When isn’t it normal?

6.  From a spiritual perspective, what is the danger of anger?

7.  Why is it important to let go of anger before the sun sets?

8.  How can Satan use our anger to get control of us?

9.  Why does anger rarely lead to godliness? Can it? When?

10. When do you struggle the most with anger?

11. What is the best way to deal with anger issues?

12. Read Eph.4:26-27. How can we apply this practice to other things we struggle with in life?