Pandemic Pearls

Pandemic Pearls

Pandemic Pearls                                                                5-3-20

Watch the sermon video on Facebook

Bottom Line: Spiritual maturity means learning from life’s experiences.


 A. One of Jesus’ earliest and shortest parables – Matt.13:44-46

   1. The treasure and pearl are things of great value, good investments

   2. Jesus used them to represent the Gospel – valuable & and sought!

 B. Pearls also represent important truths that come unexpectedly

   1. They represent the concept of discovery

   2. They represent seeking to learn

   3. They represent finding the value in something

 C. Just watched The Greatest Showman last week. Been a year for me.

   1. Great musical w/ every song being memorable & head sticking!

   2. It’s full of pearls that are discovered by the characters – Biggest…

          a. Accept yourself, don’t let other define you – This Is Me

          b. Love over prejudice – If We Could Rewrite the Stars

          c. Happiness is found in loving those who love you – From Now On

             Theme from the start “Everything I ever want…”

 D. In the middle of dealing with a pandemic with stay-at-home, social distancing, and life disrupted – what are the pearls we should see?

1. I’ve learned I can survive without Mexican food every week!

   * Jesus said that life was more than food, but enchiladas?

2. I’ve been reminded that having a sense of purpose is important.

   *Why am I here? To accomplish something!

   *God will never limit our opportunity to be light!

3. I am way too dependent on my comforts – my routines!

4. I am more convinced than ever that God’s plan is the best!

   *He made us family! He made us friends! He made us His body!

   *Remember, He said it was not good for man to be alone!

5. Even so, it’s okay to be alone with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

   *God uses challenges & trials. He doesn’t always cause them.

   *Remember the three “J’s” in the Bible:

          – Jonah – wake up from God. God caused it!

          – Joseph – Knew God had a plan, God used events

          – Jeremiah in a cistern – Jer.38 God’s plan might hurt!

6. Church was never a building! Not just theory but truth!

   *Third century building first built, cathedrals followed

   *Paul pointed that out in Acts 17 – God doesn’t need it!

7. Our togetherness is about people not performance!

   *Not an either/or thing just purpose and priority

   *Togetherness is about “one another” things, 1 Pet.4:8

8. God is reminding us to seek ways to serve him rather than wait for Him to drop it in our laps! Gal.6:2

   *A true seeker seeks service! Satan gives us excuses to avoid it!

9. We give out of love for God and our church family not because it is a Sunday act of worship! We give to be like Jesus. God loves cheerful…

   *Support His ministries and ministers and all that is done for Him

   *To help others with burdens and show compassion

10. Church is about relationships not getting our ticket punched!

   *Faithfulness is not just attendance, it’s using tools God gave us!

   *1 Timothy 3:14-15

   *Discipleship is defined by love and supporting one another

   *Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Assumes there is heart!


A. Why do we have to lose something to see it’s value?

B. PT Barnum lost circus, had terrible scandal and thought he was all alone – reminded he had friends and a family that were more important. He was loved!

C. “It’s right in front of me!” The best blessings in life…

D. What has God intended for you to learn in this pandemic?


Bible Study from: Pandemic Pearls

Sunday, May 3, 2020

1.  What are some movies or stories where someone learns some important lessons from what they experienced?

2.  What are some of the valuable pearls that you have learned from the past struggles you have gone through?

3.  What have you discovered, or been reminded of, about yourself during this pandemic period?

4.  Have you used this extra time to do something to deepen your relationship with God?  What have you done?

5.  Why do so many people struggle with the truth that church never was a building?

6.  When you read Acts 2:42-47, what seems to be the focus or emphasis of their get-togethers?

7.  Is it a true statement to say, “A true seeker seeks service”?

8.  Why is financial giving such an important act of love?

      (See Matt.6:19-21 & 2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

9.  For you, is “going to church” a family gathering or fulfillment of a religious requirement? Why should we not miss it? (Heb.10:24-25)

10. What other Pandemic Pearls have you learned?