Tough Stuff from Jesus (5)

Tough Stuff from Jesus (5)

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Tough Stuff from Jesus (5)                                  4-18-21

Bottom Line: We can truly be growing in Christ and maturing in love without learning to love our enemies.


 A. The two most overused superlatives in the English language are love and hate. They really aren’t superlatives!

   1. Love is an overstatement for like, enjoy, & appreciate

   2. Hate is for don’t like, care for, or not my choice

 B. Where do you go next? “More” or “Super”?

   1. If you hate purple but like it better than pink…

   2. Hate is an easy superlative, easy threat, easy weapon!

 C. Why do we hate? Especially people?

   1. We hate to maintain the flames of revenge.

   2. We hate because it gives passion and energy to life.

    *A cause gives meaning & passion gives it longevity!

   3. We hate because we don’t know how to cope w/ our feelings. We hate those who hurt us, hate us, and now, disagree with us. Often, just someone who is different!

 D. Let’s make a list of those we hate or dislike?

   1. Enemies of our country, terrorists, criminals, etc.

   2. Those who hurt us – past and present

   3. Those who scare us, cause us fear, we don’t understand

   4. Those who don’t see things the way I do! Politics!

   5. Those at work, school, home, neighborhood, & church who don’t like me, include me, or been mean to me.

 E. Who is on your list? What would Jesus think about it?

   1. Matthew 5:43-48 Tough Stuff from Jesus

   2. Radical attack on human nature & cultural thinking!

 F. Today’s Hate Culture is ungodly!

   1. Can’t hate Politics, race, Transgender, Gay, race, etc.

   2. Can’t hate those who disagree with you! Declaring someone an enemy doesn’t give you permission to hate.

G. Tough principles from Jesus:

1. Loving neighbors and hating enemies sounds like normal and logical thinking, but it isn’t God’s thinking!

 A. We have had life-long teaching from family, friends, and the world. Love & hate clearly defined & acceptable!

 B. Old as Jewish history – Lev.19:17-18 logical practice

 C. Jesus redefined who our neighbor was. Luke 10 – we call it the Good Samaritan, but Jesus would call it the Good Neighbor. The world’s exception is God’s norm!

2. Love your enemies and pray for persecutors means not just theory but practice!

 A. Theory is our doctrinal agreement! “Yes, Lord!” Mt.7:21

 B. Prayer is action: not partners! Souls not just enemies!

 MSG “Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst!”

 C. Jesus showed us how on the cross. “Forgive them”

   *Remember Romans 5? We were “enemies” then too!

3. “That you may be sons of your Father” is about us wanting to please Him more than seek revenge!

 A. How tough was if for God to love us, in spite of us?

 B. The Devil’s lie about hate & revenge: Payback is fulfilling!

 C. God can’t live in the same heart as hate! 1 Jn.4

4. Jesus calls us to a higher standard! Vs.46-48

 A. vs46, Reward? Nature rules! Reactive love! No growing!

 B. vs.47, Greet = kindness, consideration! Limited to selfishness?

 C. Be completely driven to please God! That’s godliness!


*What do you want to do with that list?

*What would Jesus want you to do with it?


Bible Study for Sunday, April 18, 2021

Tough Stuff From Jesus (5)

1.  Why do you think we use love and hate so much as descriptive superlatives? (Don’t you hate questions like that?)

2.  Why do you think we hate others? What is the motivation?

3.  Can someone be our enemy without us hating them?

4.  Who would be on your list of enemies? (Worldwide to daily)

5.  Do you feel like you have honestly dealt with Jesus’ command to love your enemies? Do you pray for them?

6.  Why is this such a tough command to truly obey?

7.  Would you agree that our present “Hate Culture” is ungodly? Why?

8.  How did Jesus redefine our understanding of who is our neighbor?

9.  What is significant about loving our enemies also includes our praying for them? What does that add or change?

10. How does it make us “sons of your Father” to love our enemies?

11. In what ways is Jesus calling us to a higher standard?