New Here?

New Here?

Join us for worship or Bible study

Sunday morning Bible class 11:00 am

Sunday morning worship 9:30 am

Join us at 16460 New Halls Ferry Road in Florissant, Missouri

What to expect & what to wear

Focus on God – We would like you to feel comfortable. We are glad when you join us and would like the focus on God, not on what people wear. You can expect to see people in everything from jeans or shorts and a shirt to business casual to their “Sunday best.” About any attire is fine; keep it G rated.

Children – Where do my children go? There are 11 am Bible study classes for all ages, nursery through adults, throughout the year. During 9:30 am worship, the children will stay with you in the auditorium until just before the sermon. They will be dismissed to go to a worship time geared for them called Spark. On the 5th Sunday of the month, all children attend worship with their parents in the auditorium. You will be asked to check in and receive a tag when you drop off your child for class or Spark. Please bring the tag with you to pick up your child.

Collection – Am I expected to give money during the offering? No, guests are not expected to give money. Our members use that time to give to support the many ministry and service opportunities of this congregation.

Worship – What is worship like? Do you sing together? Yes, we sing acapella (without instruments) together (shocking at first, but you’ll get used to it). How about prayer? Yes, we pray together and even give you an opportunity to pray individually with one of our elders if you like. And what about sermons? We do listen to our minister talk about the Bible when we meet together. (He usually keeps his talk to 30 minutes or so. No time for a good nap, sorry.) You can hear a sample on our Facebook page.

Communion – We also take communion every Sunday, which gives us an opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us. There are two parts: bread which represents His body and juice which represents the blood He shed for us.

We’re here to worship God together, not to tell you how to worship God.

Photo/video release
Our worship time is live streamed via Facebook. By attending you agree to allow us to use your image and that of your family in promotional materials and on our website. Please notify an elder, usher, or minister if you would like your image exempted from use.

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