Sermons on How To

Sermons on How To

The Joy of My Salvation

The Joy of My Salvation                              5-5-19 Bottom Line:  The blood of Jesus cleanses us initially, but also continually. That’s how grace works. Introduction:  A. Hello. My name is Mike Root and I’m a…

Submit to One Another

Submit to One Another                            4-28-19 Bottom Line: Second only to love, submitting to one another is one of the most Christ-like things we do. Introduction:  A. One of my most favorite movies as a kid was The Horse…

Forgive One Another

Forgive One Another                                  4-14-19 Bottom Line: We must remove resentment from our heart if we seek a relationship with God. Introduction:  A. When Adam and Eve left the garden,…

Stick Together

Stick Together                         4-7-19   Bottom Line:  We cannot function as a family of God if we are not united in Christ. Introduction:  A. Even a negative lesson can be encouraging!    1. Last week’s lesson: …

Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another                            3-24-19 Bottom Line:  We can not grow in Christ without caring about the spiritual growth of others. Introduction:  A. Have you ever resented someone else’s good fortune?…


Help!                                                            …

Love One Another

Love One Another                                 3-10-19 Bottom Line:  Jesus is our focus and loving one another is our purpose. Introduction:  A. There are some things we don’t want to hear!   …

HOW TO: Greet One Another

HOW TO: Greet One Another            2-14-19 Bottom Line:  Greeting with a holy kiss is the expression of a deeper, more important, principle of love. Introduction:  A. We live in a time of great confusion and division.    1. Exaggeration, generalization, & hyper-critical judging   …