Sermons from August 2018

Sermons from August 2018

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind!”      8-26-18 Bottom Line: Just because others don’t see our sins, it doesn’t change the nature of sin in our life. Introduction: A. Why are we surprised that we really don’t know people like we think we do? A common refrain on the news! 1. Man steals a plane and crashes it… 2. Man murders his pregnant wife & 2 daughters… 3. School and…

It’s My Fault!

I DID IT!                8-19-18 Bottom Line: Guilt is a tool from God to help us recognize a problem in our spiritual walk with Him. Introduction: A. Mel Brooks said, “It’s good to be king!” but not always. 1. For a period, David was a bored, self-centered control freak! 2. Army off to war – lounging the on roof – peeping Tom 3. Rape – cover up – kills Uriah, one of his…

What If?

What If?       8-12-18 Bottom Line: One of Satan’s most powerful tools for destroying the spirit in our life is doubt. Introduction: A. Familiar stories of doubters: 1. Angels tell Abraham and Sarah they will have a baby! * They laugh & doubt – Hard to swallow! 2. The apostles are in a boat during a storm & Jesus walks by! (Mat.14:22-32) * “It’s a ghost!” – “Take…