Mental Health Care

Mental Health Care

Health Care Ministry’s Mental Health Branch Mission Statement:

The mission of the Health Care Ministry’s Mental Health Branch is to fight the stigma of mental health conditions and provide related education, support, and resources to those impacted by mental health conditions, both within the church and in the community.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 NASB

Health Care Ministry’s Mental Health Branch Objectives:

  • Provide awareness and education about mental health issues and reduce the stigma associated with it, allowing for a more open dialog and reduced isolation for those affected by mental health conditions.
  • Be an example of a congregation that cares for those with mental health conditions, and promotes God’s love for those impacted by mental health conditions as well.
  • Participate in mental health awareness events and promote awareness dates (months, weeks, days)
  • Provide support to members who are in crisis, as well as their friends and families, and continue that support along their journeys to recovery.
  • Promote the importance of mental health self-care and mental health wellness plans, as well as direct individuals to resources that will help them implement steps toward improving and maintaining mental wellness.
  • Be a source for appropriate mental health-related resources such as: support groups, training classes, treatment facilities, information about specific mental health conditions, supplemental resources (housing, employment, legal issues, etc.)
  • Assist members in utilizing their faith to aid in the recovery process and gain/maintain mental and spiritual wellness.


Resources for Caregivers

Circle of Care | The National Alliance for Caregiving


A Journey Toward Health and Hope – A Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt

My WRAP Plan – Wellness Recovery Action Plan

Information on Specific Conditions

Local Resources