Anything You Can Do..

Anything You Can Do..

“Anything You Can Do…”       9-16-18
Bottom Line: Sitting in judgment of others causes us to be at odds with them, ourselves, and with God.
A. What to Bilbo Baggins, David, and Jesus have in common?
1. They didn’t meet the expectations of others
2. Too small, too inexperienced, too young, too common
B. I’ve heard many times, “You don’t look like a preacher”
1. Hunting, basketball, karate, shooting guns, w/ police
2. Expectations and judgments drive us and are wrong!
C. James 4:1-12 diagrams our problem: to Christians!
1. Misplaced motives, vs.1-3
2. Misplaced loyalty, vs.4-6
3. Misplaced values, vs.7-10
4. Misplaced role, vs.11-12
D. There is only one Judge and we keep wanting His job!
1. We know we have been misjudging – still judge
2. We know God commands us to not judge – still judge
E. Judging others can quench the Spirit’s fire! Why?
1. Out of step with God’s will
2. Violates Paul’s call for Joy, Prayer, & thankfulness!
G. How does judging quench the Spirit’s fire?
1. Judging quenches through Comparison!
A. Comparison focuses on externals!
1. John 7:24 “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement”
2. David and Samuel – What God looks at!
B. Comparison causes us to look at other’s sins and not our own. “I’m not as bad as him or her!”
1. Galatians 6:1-5 “They need correcting, not me!”
2. Worldly standards of sin as size or color
C. Comparison causes us to ignore grace!
1. We are what we are by God’s grace not by being better than others! We keep trying…
2. The Parable of the Vineyard Workers – Mt.20:1-16
2. Judging quenches through diminished Compassion!
A. Jesus was moved w/ compassion not judgment!
1. Feeding the multitude: Compassion not poor prep!
2. The blind men, Woman at the Well, Washing feet
B. We judge those who don’t look or act or are blessed like us!
1. The needy, poor, strange or stranger, bums, sick and convicts! Keep your distance! Don’t touch me!
2. Matt.25:31-46, Lack of compassion brings judgment
C. Judging comes from/or causes anger and fear
1. We must grow in love to be close to God!
2. Love gets rid of fear! w/o fear there is no need to judge others!
3. Judging quenches through Conflict!
A. Matt.7:1-6, Conflict with others and with self
B. It puts you in conflict with God, vs.7-12
1. Our Father wants to bless us! vs.7-11
2. He only asks us to treat others like we want to be treated ourselves, vs.12
C. Judging others is arrogant not humble! Rom.14:1-13
* vs.1 Don’t; vs.4 Who are you; vs.10-13 Grow up!
A. God is and always will be the only judge, Heb.4:12-12
B. Remember: mercy is given to be given away to others