It’s My Fault!

It’s My Fault!

I DID IT!                8-19-18
Bottom Line: Guilt is a tool from God to help us recognize a problem in our spiritual walk with Him.
A. Mel Brooks said, “It’s good to be king!” but not always.
1. For a period, David was a bored, self-centered control freak!
2. Army off to war – lounging the on roof – peeping Tom
3. Rape – cover up – kills Uriah, one of his Mighty Men
B. No evidence of feeling guilt, until Nathan crashes the party!
1. Story – righteous indignation – You are that man!
2. 2 Sam.12:13-14 his grieve & guilt couldn’t save the child! He was clearly repentant & pleading w/ God!
C. David’s guilt drives him to write Psalm 51
1. Dramatic reading from The Message
2. Prayer for anyone struggling w/ guilt
D. Is guilt pouring water on the Spirit’s flame in your life this morning?
1. That’s a good sign – maybe! If you need to change!
2. That’s a bad sign – maybe! If you don’t understand grace!
E. Oddly enough, there is very little said in the Bible about guilt!
1. Being guilty? Law! A burden? Almost nothing! Ps.51
2. A lot is said about sin! Guilt is our reaction to our sin.
1. Why do we all feel so differently about guilt?
A. Because we all feel differently about our sins!
1. Where do our values come from? World or God?
2. How important are those values to us?
B. Because we all feel differently about ourselves = worth
1. Unworthiness = “I’m a nobody!”
2. Punishment = “I deserve to feel bad and be sad!”
3. Self-critical = “I just can’t get my act together!”
C. Because we all have different levels of integrity!
1. Seasonal righteousness? Peer control? Acceptance?
2. Integrity is my refusal to compromise my character!
2. Why do we feel guilty? Where did it come from?
A. Guilt is our God-given alarm that something is wrong!
B. It wakes us up and we do what’s needed to turn it off!
1. It’s a warning = don’t do that!
2. It’s a rebuke = you shouldn’t have done that!
C. Satan want’s us to turn that alarm off! He’s good at it!
* Adam & Eve * David * Judas
3. Why do we struggle so much with guilt?
A. Like many things, it requires a balance!
B. The danger of being too dismissive or cheapening grace
C. The need to understand the power of grace! 1 Jn 1:7
4. Why do we still have guilt – as Christians?
A. Life-style sin is not living in the fruit of the Spirit
* Gal.5:19-21 “live like this”
B. We don’t feel forgiven! We can’t let go of sin!
1. Past too terrible – can’t forget or accept grace!
2. Thoughts too bad – a daily struggle!
3. Too many doubts – should be past that by now!
C. We don’t honor our forgiveness by forgiving others!
1. Not an option = Jesus’ prayer in Mt.6
2. Grace is given to be given away! Eph.4:29-31 (READ)
A. Jeremiah Johnson learning to be a mountain man – building a fire only to have snow drop on it.
1. Learn where to build & how to keep the flame going
2. Basic survival knowledge
B. Is guilt putting out your spirit fire? Cold water of guilt!
1. What do you need to change to get rid of it?
2. Remove the sin – accept forgiveness – be forgiving!
C. Fight for your fire!