Poison Peers

Poison Peers

Poison Peers       9-2-18
Bottom Line: The people we choose to be with can bring us closer to God or destroy our faith.
A. Story of memories of Hurricane Irma in Florida…
1. Don’t expect that from a spouse, but…
2. Adam & Eve’s fall – he was there – she just led
B. Jesus had some special friends – 12 apostles
1. His buddy Judas betrayed him
2. His buddy Peter denied him three times
C. Paul’s friend Demas was part of the mission team with him and Luke. Mentioned in Col.4:14
1. Experiences in service to God! Time w/ Paul!
2. 2 Tim.4:9-10, “Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved the world, has deserted me…”
D. The biggest disappointment and hurt in my life was having friends and spiritual leaders betray our friendship.
E. We all have experienced Poison Peers in our life!
1. Dated some and some married one
2. Friends who didn’t really care about what was best for us! Betrayed, turned, ignored, hurt, etc.
3. Brothers & sisters in Christ who judged, criticized, and influenced us to pull away from God!
F. Peers are a major element in our Fight for Our Flame!
1. They feed it or douse it! What are your peers doing?
2. We MUST choose – put limits on their influence and prioritize. Who do we really want a relationship with?
G. The story of Israel is the story of the power of evil influence in the lives of God’s people.
1. Judges (Gideon) and Solomon (wives & concubines)
2. We will be like those we associate w and desire to be accepted by.
1. The blessing of Precious Peers!
A. Those who really love us want the best for us!
1. Prov.17:17 “A friend loves at all times”
2. Prov.18:24 “Wounds from a friend can be trusted”
3. Jesus said we were his friends! He sets the example!
B. Precious Peers know what we really need!
1. Acceptance – a major driving force in our life
2. Affirmation – I count and I am somebody
3. Authenticity – trust and honesty in a relationship
4. We need these so badly that we struggle for balance!
C. Precious Peers will help us on our spiritual journey!
1. They will contribute or at least not be a barrier
2. Phil.4:8 – they don’t corrupt our thinking!
2. The reality of Poison Peers!
A. No one is exempt – 2 Tim.2:22-26
B. The only One you NEED is God! Mt.6:33; Rom.8:31
C. My two favorite keys on our computer!
1. Delete & Backspace = get rid of & start over!
2. Peers we need to Delete & Backspace:
* Dishonest Peers = lies
* Disrespectful Peers = mutual respect is a must
* Destructive Peers = Use & abuse
* Disparaging Peers = belittle, put down, dismiss
(Don’t add disagree to the list)
3. Are you a Poison Peer?
A. A living sacrifice doesn’t turn others into burnt offerings! Wrong altar & wrong sacrifice!
B. Paul’s challenge to every Christian is to be a blessing not a poison to others:
1. Romans 12:9-21; Real love; Real sharing; Real example to others
2. Eph.4:29-31 Begins with watch your mouth!
* Only what is helpful for building others up
* According to their needs
* Benefit those who listen
* Follow the Spirit not the poison in your heart
* Be kind, compassionate, & forgiving
* Be Christ-like (vs.32 & 5:1 together)
C. Unintentional Poison Peers! 1 Peter 4:8
1. Critics & pessimists
2. Complainers & marginal members
3. Uninvolved & the un-giving
4. Eye beams & rock throwers
A. Do you have Poison Peers in your life?
B. Jesus give us a great example in his last hours!
1. Judas: “Go and do what you’re going to do”
2. Apostles: gather together for support & prayer
C. Is your Spirit flame out? Fight for it!
D. Read: 1 Thess.5:16-22 (me) vs.23-24 (family)