The Triple Crown of One Another 4-10-22
Bottom Line: Our commitment to loving one another means we must do it the way Jesus would.
A. We all know the pentacles of sports: Basketball Championships, World Series, Super Bowl, Masters…
B. Horse racing is a sport enjoyed by thousands.
1. Pentacle of horse racing is The Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing – 3 year old horses
2. Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes
3. 13 winners in the last century; Secretariat ’73; Seattle Slew ’77; Affirmed ’78; American Pharoah ’15; Justify ‘18
C. What is the Triple Crown of One Another commands?
1. All one another commands are under the umbrella of love. We are nothing without love. Jesus, John, Peter…
2. All other one another commands are acts of love!
D. The Triple Crown is in Eph.4. See the umbrella vs.15-16
1. vs.32 and 5:1 = to other children of God!
2. This is what we do for one another!
1. Be kind! (Flower)
A. There is a difference between “be” and “become! The decision is made as far as our response to others!
B. Kindness is not a mood but a Messiah!
C. Kindness is: Webster = treating people w/ respect!
*Root = loving, non-judgmental consideration of others
*It is what we do for one another!
2. Be compassionate! (Kleenex)
A. Other translations use “tenderhearted” – a synonym for kindness. Not just a repetition from Paul!
B. Compassionate = empathy, feeling and understanding!
C. Compassion was what motivated Jesus! Must do the same for us! Matt.25 – Judgment is about compassion!
*This is what we do for one another!
3. Be forgiving! (My calendars)
A. Both kind & compassionate mean quick & natural reaction to other. Forgiveness needs no decision!
B. Forgiveness is who we are not who they are!
C. Forgiveness is erasing – like my 2020 calendar!
1. Think of wash, blot, or wipe clean = erase!
2.It is what we do for one another!
A. Because of love, we are kind, compassionate, and forgiving to one another! Familiarity breeds…
B. Close w/ the scariest one another in the Bible!
2.Eph.5:21, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” It is what we do for one another!
C. Only Jesus can show us how to do that ONE ANOTHER!
D. A visual to remember?