Ya Done Good!

Ya Done Good!

Ya Done Good!     11-4-18
Bottom Line: Encouraging one another is not an option, it’s a command from God.
A. There are a lot of obstacles to making a decision to dedicate your life to full time ministry.
1. A sense of unworthiness! I’m a sinner.
2. A question of capabilities. I’m I adequate?
3. The prejudice and judging of preachers!
4. Always being evaluate, criticized, and compared.
5. The fact that you can’t please everybody.
* Myopic expectations: What have you done for me?
B. I have been blessed to have had lots of encouragers throughout the years!
1. HS teachers and fellow students
2. Quitman church just week before classes at HU
3. Every church family – esp. Florissant
C. I love to encourage others – for the joy not the job!
1. Individually: words, calls, support, FB, etc.
2. Ministry: 2 Tim.4:2, Preach word, correct, rebuke, encourage w/ “great patience & careful instruction” (?)
D. Two elements of proclaiming the gospel:
1. Experience & Instruction: feelings vs. learning
2. Different expectations & percentage of time
E. I am an instructor/teacher: correct, rebuke, & encourage patiently! “with all longsuffering”
1. Careful and correct instruction = TRUTH!
2. There are very few things more essential or more clearly taught in scripture that we MUST do than encourage one another!
F. If you truly want to build the Spirit’s flame in your life and in the life of others – be an encourager!
*Three simple biblical truths about encouragement
1. Out of love, we come together to encourage each other!
A. Why? Because of God!
1. It’s God’s PLAN! It’s what givers do!
2. It’s God’s CHARACTER! Love!
3. It’s God’s COMMAND! Clear and simple!
B. Flame building requires encouragement!
1. 1 Thess.4:13-18, Encourage one another w/ the reality & truth of the resurrection
2. 5:1-11, Encourage because we are in this together!
C. Encouragement is our purpose for getting together!
1. Acts 2:42-47, support & love
2. 1 Cor.11 – 14, edify = build up
3. Heb.10:24-25, reason for the assembly
2. God is glorified when we encourage and build each other up!
A. Flame building is a giving experience! 1 Thess.5:11
B. Encouragement is fighting the good fight of faith!
* Heb.3:12-13
C. Worshipping in Spirit & Truth (Jn.4) is about closeness to God. True worship is helping others get close to Him.
3. We grow by encouraging others! Build our flame!
A. Because it’s an act of love & giving, we are blessed!
B. It is a gift we must use – Rom.12:5-8
C. I love to encourage others! Joy not job!
A. Romans 12:9, “Love must be sincere”; 1 Peter 4:8; “Above all, love one another…”; 1 Cor.13:13 greatest
B. Want a test of you love? A love meter?
1. How encouraging are you?
2. Are you a giver or a receiver?
C. Jesus always encouraged – except for Religious leaders! Paul said it’s what leaders do – Titus 1:9
D. On the cross: forgiveness, care for mother, promise to a thief!
E. Who do you need to encourage!