Sermons (Page 34)

Sermons (Page 34)


Loser!               9-30-18 Bottom Line: In Jesus, God has completely changed the definition of failure and rejection. Introduction: A. David had some incredible low points as King. 1. Bathsheba & the death of his son… 2. Amnon rapes Tamar – Absalom kills Amnon 3. Separation and mourning for David 4. Absalom’s conspiracy grows – David flees the city 5. Everyone is…

I’ll Get You…

“I’ll Get You…”     9-23-18 Bottom Line: Holding a grudge is not something a child of God can do and still have a walk with God. Introduction: A. One of the great stories of Genesis is Jacob and Esau 1. Twins but Esau was actually the first born 2. Esau was an expert hunter & outdoors man. Jacob was quiet and indoors all the time. 3. Esau traded his birthright to…

Anything You Can Do..

“Anything You Can Do…”       9-16-18 Bottom Line: Sitting in judgment of others causes us to be at odds with them, ourselves, and with God. Introduction: A. What to Bilbo Baggins, David, and Jesus have in common? 1. They didn’t meet the expectations of others 2. Too small, too inexperienced, too young, too common B. I’ve heard many times, “You don’t look like a preacher”…

You Owe Me!

You Owe Me!       9-9-18 Bottom Line: A spirit of entitlement is self-centered and un-Christlike. Introduction: A. We watched this year’s BA DVD this past week. 1. Excellent job by all – acting and singing 2. Forgot how so many songs were stuck in my head! * Rich spiritual praise songs * But… “Bad to the Bone” – “How Bad Can I Be” B. The song that’s the national anthem of…

Poison Peers

Poison Peers       9-2-18 Bottom Line: The people we choose to be with can bring us closer to God or destroy our faith. Introduction: A. Story of memories of Hurricane Irma in Florida… 1. Don’t expect that from a spouse, but… 2. Adam & Eve’s fall – he was there – she just led B. Jesus had some special friends – 12 apostles 1. His buddy Judas betrayed him 2. His buddy…

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind!”      8-26-18 Bottom Line: Just because others don’t see our sins, it doesn’t change the nature of sin in our life. Introduction: A. Why are we surprised that we really don’t know people like we think we do? A common refrain on the news! 1. Man steals a plane and crashes it… 2. Man murders his pregnant wife & 2 daughters… 3. School and…

It’s My Fault!

I DID IT!                8-19-18 Bottom Line: Guilt is a tool from God to help us recognize a problem in our spiritual walk with Him. Introduction: A. Mel Brooks said, “It’s good to be king!” but not always. 1. For a period, David was a bored, self-centered control freak! 2. Army off to war – lounging the on roof – peeping Tom 3. Rape – cover up – kills Uriah, one of his…

What If?

What If?       8-12-18 Bottom Line: One of Satan’s most powerful tools for destroying the spirit in our life is doubt. Introduction: A. Familiar stories of doubters: 1. Angels tell Abraham and Sarah they will have a baby! * They laugh & doubt – Hard to swallow! 2. The apostles are in a boat during a storm & Jesus walks by! (Mat.14:22-32) * “It’s a ghost!” – “Take…