HeartSight Prayer for Church

HeartSight Prayer for Church

HeartSight—Prayer for Church



 A. What is the #1 __________________________________?

 B. Have you made any _____________ about your _____________


 C. Have you prayed about our __________ ___________?

 D. Two simple questions to confront this morning!

1. How ____________ is _______________________________?

 A. Personally, only ______________________________________

    __________ are more _________________________________.

 B. There are cultural trends and changes that make me _________

     about the ____________________________!

 C. Personal _________________ vs. _____________________?

   1. Jesus was __________:

   2. _____________ = ____________= ___________

   3. How you think, feel, and treat your __________ ___________ is how you think, feel, and treat _______________!

 D. “Church doesn’t ____________” is the __________ _______!

 E. A church family is _____________ over ________________!

   1. ________________ = ________________________________

   2. ________________ = _________________________________

2. What would you ________ about for our ________ ________?

 A. _________________ or ________________?

 B. Paul’s two ___________ for the church in ______________

   1. 3:14-21, beautiful call to a _____________________________

   2. 1:15-23, (vs.15) because of their __________ & ___________

 C. He __________ about three things for them and us…

   1. _________________, vs.16

   2. _______________ _____________, vs.17

   3. ______________________, vs.18-23

     * See clearly: __________!  ____________! _________ _____!

     * He can do it! Why? We are the________________________!


A. God never asks us to do what he doesn’t equip us to do!

B. What do we have that we can use…build on?

C. A lesson from The Three Amigos: