Thus Saith Me!

Thus Saith Me!

“Thus Saith Me!”     10-14-18
Bottom Line: Any form of legalism puts law above Jesus.
A. Ever fly coach when the First Class curtain is closed?
1. Can’t see what they are doing – can’t compare
2. You have been put in your place!
B. Difference for Jews between the Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. Things you just couldn’t see…
C. There is a huge difference between what you can’t see and what you won’t see! Refuse to see!
1. A discussion about Acts 22:16, “I don’t see…”
2. 1950 – US troops in North Korea, close to China, Chinese troops gathering – MacArthur – they won’t…
D. Legalism is a veil that covers the Spirit’s flame!
1. See through the eyes of law not the Spirit!
2. 2 Cor.3:6, “the letter kills but the Spirit gives life”
E. What is legalism?
1. Webster: “strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code; the institutionalized legalism that restricts free choice.
2. My spiritual definition: Legalism it the dogmatic insistence on following, finding, and creating laws and ignoring or minimizing the spiritual principles that were meant for the heart. Living by law not love!
3. Letter over principles: traffic law vs. guidance!
F. What is the big deal! It can’t be that important?
1. 2 Cor.3:6-18; dull minds, veil covered hearts – slaves
2. It violates love and grace: Rom.8:1 – Gal.5:1-6
G. Legalism is a tool that Satan uses to destroy the Spirit’s flame in our lives. It’s appealing & looks so right!
1. It comes from self-righteousness and pride
2. It’s judgmental and ungracious
3. It’s negative, narrow minded, and un-Chris-like!
1. Jesus fought and condemned legalism his entire ministry!
A. Legalism caused people to miss God’s work!
1. Reading: Mark 2:1-12
2. vs.7, “God alone”; vs.8, heart problems – Principle!
B. Legalism ignores the greater principle from God!
1. Reading: Mark 2:23-28
2. God’s purpose vs. man’s legalism = Principle?
C. Legalism causes people to not see the good work!
1. Reading: Mark 3:1-6
2. Jesus was upset with their hearts, vs.5
D. Legalism keeps people from seeing the greater purpose of what God wants.
1. Reading: Matthew 22:34-40
2. Not just the greatest, but the foundation of all…
2. There are three kinds of legalism to watch out for.
A. Mosaic Legalism: Jesus confronted in Mark 7:1-23
1. Ceremonial law = clean vs. unclean
2. Vain & inconsistent = teach traditions as law!
3. Legal gymnastics = Corban vs. compassion
4. The heart makes us unclean! Vs.20-23, Principle!
5. Galatians 2:9-21 – Paul is clear
B. Literalistic Legalism: See Galatians 5:13-15
1. Analogies & metaphors used to exaggerate and make a strong point. (Lord’s Supper, etc…)
2. Spirit realm things we can’t grasp w/o physical descriptions. (Heaven, Hell, Judgment, Books…)
3. Look for the principle God gives us! (Pluck out eye? Sell all you have? Do what you see me do?)
C. Pattern-istic Legalism: legally binding patterns = division not over commands but correct interpretation.
1. New Testament examples? Imitate or learn?
2. An example is not a command! God commands!
3. An example illustrates a command! No command?
4. A legalistic application of an example is usually destroyed by its own inconsistencies. (Selective binding)
5. 1 Cor.11:1 “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” – Principle!
A. Should we care? It’s not a big deal to me?
1. Legalism turns off each new generation…
2. It is judgmental and divisive! Gal.5:14-15
3. It is relying on correct interpretation rather than grace! “I got it right and you don’t!”
4. It robs us of the spirit of love! W/o love…
B. God gave us tools to use not ceremonies to perform!
C. Jesus and his parable of the weeds. Matt.13:24-30
1. Jesus called us to plant!
2. Legalism is pulling weed! Destroying good w/ bad!