God’s Battle Plan, Pt.3

God’s Battle Plan, Pt.3

God’s Battle Plan, Pt.3                                                10-4-20

Watch the sermon online.

Bottom Line: God has given us all we need to be faithful followers of Jesus. The desire to do it is up to us.


 A. I grew up wanting to be in the military! Both brothers were. Never did. Never in a war.

 B. As a Police Chaplain, I was shot at & had to be back up!

 C. I am not a novice to fighting and making choices.

 D. God has a battle plan for us because living by faith is both a decision and a struggle. “Fight the good fight…”

 E. Paul wraps up his letter w/ a call for us to fight! God’s battle plan includes three parts or premises…

   1. God has thoroughly equipped us to live, grow, and spend eternity with him! 6:10

   2. God’s people have a real spiritual enemy! 6:11-12

   3. God’s full armor and weapon must be in our hearts! 6:13-18   We can’t win w/o both the armor & the weapon!

 F. If you are going to win this battle…

1. You must be committed to taking a stand! Fight!

 A. What does that mean? Vs.11 and vs.13

 B. Taking a stand is first and foremost a mindset!

 C. It is OUR battle, but we can’ t do it alone! GET HELP!

          * Old west saying, “I’ll side with you!”

          * Goal: still standing at the end!

2. You must arm…your heart!   Vs.14-17

 A. Make good choices: truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation! All defenses for the heart. Why we fight!

 B. The sword of the spirit = the word of God, our only weapon to fight back with!

 C. Word = Jesus! Scripture is not a weapon but our insight

3. You must stay connected to the Father!  Vs.18

 A. Pray in the Spirit = connected to God

 B. Pray on all occasions w/ all kinds of prayers and requests! Be alert & always pray for others!

 C. Our lines of communication and support! Staying connected to God! Another weapon?


A. There are things worth fighting for. Family, country, & principles that are important.

B. God’s fight? The good fight of faith = soul, eternity, grace, and others

C. Without God’s plans? No qualities in our heart = weak!

No sword of the spirit (Jesus) = unarmed!

D. Isn’t the cross worth fighting for? Isn’t eternity a worthwhile battle goal?


Bible Study for Sunday, October 4, 2020

God’s Battle Plan Pt.3, Eph.6:13-18

1.  Do you think some Christians struggle with the concepts of faithfulness as a “battle” or a “fight”? Why?

2.  How has God equipped us to live, grow, and spend eternity with him?

3.  Do you believe that we have a real spiritual enemy that we must fight against? Who or what is it?

4.  What does it mean to “fight the good fight of faith”?

5.  How important is it that we have the armor of God and the weapon of God?

6.  What does it mean and what is involved in “taking a stand”?

7.  What does it change in your thinking when you understand that the “stand” is being part of a formation? What does that do to the meaning?

8.  All of the armor of God are defenses in the heart. Is that true? What does that change in your understanding of the analogy?

9.  What is the Sword of the Spirit? Was he talking about the Bible? What did they understand the Word of God to be?

10. Can and should prayer be considered another spiritual weapon like the Sword of the Spirit? (See Eph.6:18)

11. Spiritually speaking, what is worth fighting for? Why?