Tough Stuff from Jesus (10)

Tough Stuff from Jesus (10)

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Tough Stuff from Jesus (10)                                 5-23-21

Bottom Line: Spiritual maturity comes from seeking a childlike humility in our walk with God.


 A. My generation was the first brought up with TV. Radio was still very important when I was a kid.

 1. Wonderful memories listening to boxing matches

 2. In 1962, Sonny Listen became the World Heavyweight Champion KO’d Floyd Patterson in 1st round – again in ‘63

 3. Know for toughness & power – regarded as unbeatable

 4. 1964 title fight w/ new kid yelling, “I am the greatest!”

 5. Cassius Clay was 7 to 1 underdog – going to get killed!

   * Won the fight!  * Rematch in ’65, 1st round KO

   * Mohamed Ali regarded now as the GOAT!

 B. Why would the disciples ask Jesus “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”  What was it all about?

   1. Not about the Trinity? Not heroes of faith?

   2. Apostles & other disciples? Who was the GOAT?

   3. Most loved? Most talented? Most spiritual?

 C. Jesus wasn’t shocked, surprised, or upset. Why?

   1. Wonder if he smiled or even laughed at the question?

   2. He saw a teaching opportunity not a need to rebuke!

 D. When it comes to Jesus, don’t seek if you don’t want to find! You may not be ready for his answer!

   1. Sometimes we need to be humbled in order to learn!

   2. It was time for Tough Stuff from Jesus!

 E. Matthew 18:2-4, Well know but not fully understood.

1. “I tell you the truth” means it’s not a suggestion!

 A. Tough stuff from Jesus is about truth & never a suggestion! “Think about turning the other cheek…”

 B. God values truth! Jesus is truth! John 14:6, 17:17,8:32

 C. Suggestions are options! Directives are commands!

2. “Unless you change” means we must be BECOMING!

 A. Change is not a bad word. It is a constant!

 B. Transformation is our calling: walking, becoming, maturing! The directive is to be part of a process!

 C. Being “Born again” is start! Becoming childlike the journey!

3. “Whoever humbles himself like this child” means greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven.

 A. What is greatness in the Kingdom of heaven? Godliness!

 B. What did that child have that we need to have?

   1. A child is teachable. Teachers are teachable!

   2. A child is growing – becoming, on a journey – maturing

   3. A child has a pure heart – we don’t but we can…

 C. Why did certain people impress Jesus? A centurion, a woman w/ issue of blood, friends lowering a friend through the ceiling.  Faith! Seeking hearts!


A. The joy of seeing wonder in the face of a child! Discovery!

B. Is it possible for us to grow into a sense of wonder about God?

C. Grow in love, thankfulness, and unselfishness, we start seeing God differently. Like a child full of wonder!

D. Are you on the right journey?