Mother’s Day – Sharing Grace

Mother’s Day – Sharing Grace

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Mother’s Day – Sharing Grace                            5-8-22

Bottom Line: Mother’s are given grace to share grace!


 A. Happy Mother’s Day! A great day to talk about Amazing Grace. Thankful for Mom’s who showed us grace.

   1. Camp Scholarship offered in honor of all our Mothers!

   2. Special gift: stand as we sing Amazing Grace

 B. Grace is what makes us Worthless VIPs! It must be shared

 C. Grace is sharing wisdom. Lessons from experienced Mom

   1. Grandmothers: What is the best part about being a grandmother?

   2. What one thing would you tell all future grandmothers?

   3. Older Moms: Fill in the blank – I wish someone had told me about ___________________!

   4. The most important thing to remember about motherhood is ___________________!

 D. Let’s share some grace from some special ladies in the Bible.

1. Ruth

 A. A story of struggle and grace: Naomi released daughters-in-law. Staying together was important for survival!

 B. Orpah split, but Ruth “clung to her”

 C. A message of caring: 1:16-18, “Ruth was determined to go with her.”

2. Esther

 A. From slave to Xerxes queen!

 B. Mordecai, cousin who raised her, uncovered conspiracy, then heard about Haman’s plot. Warned Esther!

 C. Message of Courage: high risk but placed here by God! “If I perish, I perish!” 4:15-16

3. Mary

 A. A teenager met with Gabriel. Luke 1:26-37

 B. Fear, then doubt, “For nothing is impossible with God”

 C. A message of commitment – vs.38, “’I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. ‘May it be to me as you have said.’ Then the angel left her”


A. Caring, courage, and comment are lesson learned from godly Moms!

B. Commercial from Expedia on TV – “At the end of life you will never regret things you didn’t buy, but where you never went.” Memories come from shared experiences not possessions.

C. Moms will never regret things they could have had, but they will regret priorities that were ignored, misplaced, or forgotten.