Sermons by Mike Root (Page 13)

Sermons by Mike Root (Page 13)

HeartSight – Togetherness

HeartSight – Togetherness                                 2-23-20 Bottom Line:  Unity in love is the church’s response to the goodness and greatness of God. Introduction:  A. Are you old enough to…

HeartSight – The Fullness of God

HeartSight – The Fullness of God 2-16-20 Eph.3:14-21 Introduction: A. Consider your life history of prayer:    1. How long have you known The Lord’s Prayer?    2. Bedtime prayer: Now I lay me down to sleep    3. Song prayers    4. Unknown prayers! Help me prayers!    5. God’s prayers for you  …

HeartSight Prayer for Church

HeartSight—Prayer for Church Eph.1:15-23 Introduction:  A. What is the #1 __________________________________?  B. Have you made any _____________ about your _____________      ________________?  C. Have you prayed about our __________ ___________?  D. Two simple questions to confront this morning! 1. How ____________ is…

Seven Things Jesus Wants Us To Know (7)

Seven Things Jesus Wants Us To Know (7) 12-15-19 Bottom Line:  If we want God to bless us not and later, we must make good choices constantly. Introduction:  A. If Jesus was our guest speaker, what would he say?    1. Some or all of the Sermon on the Mount, Mt.5, 6, & 7    2. Principles essential to a relationship with God!  B. Seven…

Seven Things Jesus Wants Us To Know (6)

Seven Things Jesus Wants Us To Know (6)     12-8-19 Bottom Line: Comparing yourself to others will never bring you into a closer walk with God. Introduction:  A. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie Coco!    1. 12 yr old Miguel singing to his great-grandmother    2. She is Coco & the song is what her Dad use to…

Seven Things Jesus Wants Us To Know (5)

Seven Things Jesus Wants Us To Know      12-1-19 Bottom Line: Don’t let worldly worries distract you from seeking a closer walk with God. Introduction:  A. We regularly talk about unknown burdens folks carry when we come together on Sunday.    1. Culture and tradition of hiding them    2. Yet Paul said to help each other,…